Advanced examples

Showing yet another value in the dropdown

An optional third key can be added to the associative array in the values argument/attribute of the widget: dropdown. This value is displayed in the dropdown menu that may appear when the user starts typing letters in the autocomplete text input field.

In the example shown in the Basic example chapter, we show the persons’ name in the dropdown that appears when the user starts typing letters. We could highlight typed letters in the names. To do so, we provide an additional dropdown key in each item of values. The ajax_search view would then look like this:

def highlight_term(term, name):
    """Return an HTML representation of ``name`` where ``term`` is
    displayed in bold characters.
    # This is a very naive implementation.
    return name.replace(term, '<strong>%s</strong>' % term)

def ajax_search(request):
    term = request.GET['term'].lower()
    res = []
    for person_id, name in PERSONS.items():
        if term not in name.lower():
        dropdown = highlight_term(term, name)
        res.append({'displayed': name,
                    'dropdown': dropdown,
                    'stored': person_id})
    return res

You may note that the displayed key is left untouched. It should not be the same as the dropdown key, as the latter contains HTML tags, which should not be used for the displayed key.

An advanced display_value callable

As with any widget in Deform, it is possible to bind the field it is attached to, so that the field and/or the widget have access to additional bindings, such as the request.

Here, we will suppose that the persons are stored in a database and that we can query it through the db attribute of the request. The problem is then to access the request from the display_value callable. To do that, we will define a deferred function:

import colander

def deferred_autocomplete_widget(node, kw):
    """Return an instance of ``ExtendedAutocompleteInputWidget``
    where the ``display_value`` callable has access to the database
    connection through the request.
    request = kw['request']
    def display_value(field, cstruct):
        return request.db.find(person_id=cstruct)
    return ExtendedAutocompleteInputWidget(values='/ajax_search',

 class AdvancedSchema(Schema):
     person = SchemaNode(String(),

 def make_form(request):
     schema = AdvancedSchema().bind(request=request)
     return Form(schema)

Again, this is not specific to the Extended Autocomplete widget. This is a pure Colander feature. For further details, see the Colander documentation.