
1.0.2 (unreleased)

  • Nothing changed yet.

1.0.1 (2020-06-26)

  • Fix wheel. The wheel for version 1.0 did not include non-Python files: templates, CSS and Javascript files were missing.

1.0 (2020-05-27)

WARNING : Brown bag release: the tarball is fine, but the wheel is
incomplete. Use 1.0.1 instead.

WARNING : This release contains many backwards-incompatible changes.

  • Define widget requirements so that users can call Form.get_widget_resources() to fetch CSS and JavaScript requirements.
  • backward incompatible Add strip parameter that allows to strip leading and trailing whitespace on deserialization. As with other text-like widgets in Deform, this parameter is now enabled by default. This is why this change is not backward compatible.
  • Correctly handle delay parameter.
  • backward incompatible Upgrade to Deform 2 and Pyramid 1.10 compatibility
  • backward incompatible Bundle a modern version of jqueryUI and upgrade to support it
  • backward incompatible Drop Python 2 support in favour of Python 3

0.1 (2012-04-15)

First public release.